FL0850 Shooters Hill - SE3
See detailsExclusive Shoot Location London
Wood Floors, Aga, Driveway, Ensuite, Exposed Brick, Fireplace, Front Garden, Full Height Windows, Garage, Garden, Home Office, Island Kitchen, Large Bathroom, Large Bedroom, Large Driveway, Large Garden, Large Kitchen, Multiple Bedrooms, Open Plan, Parquet Floor, Skylights, Staircase, Swimming Pool, Tiled Floor, Walk In Shower, Walk In WardrobeVery large family home filming location opposite Blackheath Common in South East London. Open plan kitchen living area with a separate, double reception room. Beautifully decorated with colourful children’s bedrooms and large bathrooms. Large garden with natural swimming pool and children’s play area. London Borough of Greenwich.

FL0850 Shooters Hill SE3
Exclusive Shoot Location London